Friday, February 11, 2011

Implicit Personalisation

Worth a read, the ethics of personalisation and how we as designers must consider the use of implicit personalisation,


  1. Pertinent extract:

    When imagining the goals to which I would apply personalization,I see four areas of service:

    • Automation;
    • Protection;
    • Decision support; and
    • Reality construction.

    Automation frees me from tedium. It pays my bills, waters my yard, feeds my cat. It is organized to support my personal style; so it
    is personalized but does not respond automatically to changes in my personality or help me construct that personality.

    Protection analyzes my environment
    and physical state and marshalls resources needed to maintain my personal well-being. It monitors my blood-sugar level, local weather, crime patterns, and external disturbances (fires, and
    street blockages, among others)...

    Decision support provides information I have independently determined to be valuable and
    helps implement a course of action using that information; stock quotes, weather reports, and news reports fall into this category. This is personalized in some sense, in that I select the information channels...

    Reality construction is a more advanced application. It uses personal information, such as financial liquidity, age, and clothing size, and helps users evaluate and select among alternative courses of action.
