Thursday, March 17, 2011

Building projection

they use squares, here, please don't mind the beginning of the video, the middle part is quite interesting,
but i don't know if we can do it like that, anyway just to consider 3D effect

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Logo draft 2

thinking of this 3D effect

Logo draft

I think this is more about our idea for the projection, but anyway I tried to use this type 'isometric basic latin lite' for the logo,
maybe it's wrong, anyway I was looking for some geometric typeface for the logo, but I don't know if it's the best idea???

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Early Logo/Type treaments

The word "emotif" is hard to kern due to the three wide characters before three narrow characters. Feedback welcome... typefaces used are DIN Medium and Bold Alternate

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Most of these aren't the best quality, but some of them might be useful as reference

Moods are intimate...

like the bed? That was what I was talking about in the library: the movement of a blanket. But the parameters are very low (movement, position, no colour, ...).

Mood Analysis - just a scribble

Just started to think about moods in terms of visualization, means forms, colours and the position. Probably there are more parameters..?

Combination of lyrical and analytical aspects

Jorinde Voigt, a german artist is using datas to make art. The example is one part of the illustration of two people kissing. I just tought about it because a week ago we were talking about
colour or no colour.

Generative Design

I just can recommend this book. It shows how to create pictures by using codes
and of course the results. Coming soon in english....

Different Kinds of Projection

HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd media facade from nifty1 on Vimeo.

Street Art

Ilike the aspect of making life more comftorbal and creating connections. Even if the projects of Candy Chang aren't digital, they are kind of inspiring.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I Conji

Back to the roots.
I Conji reminds of Bliss and cave art.
Maybe it is the solution.....

links - icons (download link is also great) (used by persons with severe speech and physical impairments)


AIGA, the professional association for design, stimulates thinking about design, demonstrates the value of design and empowers the success of designers at each stage of their careers. AIGA’s mission is to advance designing as a professional craft, strategic tool and vital cultural force. Founded in 1914, AIGA remains the oldest and largest professional membership organization for design, and is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) educational institution.

The complete set of 50 passenger/pedestrian symbols developed by AIGA is now available on the web, free of charge. Signs are available in EPS and GIF formats.

This system of 50 symbol signs was designed for use at the crossroads of modern life: in airports and other transportation hubs and at large international events. Produced through a collaboration between AIGA and the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), they are an example of how public-minded designers can address a universal communication need.

Symbols for indien healthcare

The design agency kognito from Berlin made this lovely
icons for indien hospitals in six different cities.
The main aspect is are the clothes and probably the cow
(like dogs here).


Semiotics is a very important process in influential reference to graphic design, Semiotics its the study and sign processes when conducted individually or in groups of data and it enables us to analyze and understand the meaning of format of signs, patterns and symbolism and its important that we understand a creation before we interact with it a sign can be anything from a word, a sound, or a visual image.

Semiotics is very important in the development of graphic design especially in the visual communications of signs and their meanings, it’s something we have subliminally learnt to understand an example of this is road signs, or independently learnt such as sign language.
A word can transmit a meaning only within the language’s grammatical structures and codes. Codes also represent the values of the culture, and are able to add new shades of connotation to every aspect of life. Many symbols can represent the same word but its how it communicates with the majority of its audience that determines how successful it works to project its meaning.

type of signs

Semiotics- science of signs

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Body Language/Non-Verbal Cues in the Digital Age

There has already been a huge amount of research into non-verbal communication and its importance in our everyday understanding of one another. To a large extent, this has been lost in online communications, which is more and more becoming our main method of talking to each-other.

Biometric technology, as mentioned here, could have huge implications for the way we communicate with others in the 21st Century. In many ways, as we spend more and more of our lives online, our daily experience has become solitary. Maybe if digital communication could be made to incorporate our feelings and moods based on non-verbal cues our experience of using digital media could be less impersonal. A system such as this could have serious benefits for people who are isolated or lonely, living their lives mostly online.

Another area that could benefit from this sort of technology is inter-cultural communication. In different cultures, body language can mean different things. If biometric technology could be used in this way, to translate body language between different cultures, a greater inter-cultural understanding could be reached through the use of digital media.


Fanzines were democratic design for the print era. Maybe it’s time for a digital version of these iconic DIY publications.

A framework could be developed which allows users to personalise their own content and share their publication with others, i.e. a digital zine culture/community—or is that just another name for a blog? Have blogs replaced the need for these homemade publications or is there something still missing?

Steven Heller on Fanzines:

Biometric Technology

A system recently developed by researchers at Concordia university which might be able to determine mood via a person's facial expressions.

An ITBusiness article states, “The system analyzes a facial expression by first measuring the distance between the eyes. Based on that, it is able to map out other regions of the face and set a template. Then, it can process different markers that give away a person's mood. By focusing on specific groups of muscles near the eyes, nose and mouth, the system determines mood without requiring a full facial profile. That means less data is needed to determine a profile than other types of facial recognition.”

Currently, the implications for Airport security are being looked into but perhaps this system could also have applications in personal digital media? Could a biometric identification system be built into our existing interaction with digital media?—In this way our laptops, televisions, iPods could conceivably know what mood we're in.


Mood Detection/Unsound Science

Thinking about the various ways of collecting data from people, I've been looking into mood detection as a possibility. However there doesn't seem to be much sound science behind it. There is an argument that body temperature is linked to a person's emotional state but this varies from person to person and does not always communicate the same information—the same body temp. can mean different moods.

There is a mood detector App available: but it's more of a toy (and looks terrible).

Also came across this: which is a student's proposal for a system which reads the mood of the user and creates music playlists based around these readings—which is similar to what I was thinking but it's a clunky and invasive system, involving sensors being placed on the user.

A system that could be linked to your itunes and remember what music you listen to when you’re in a certain mood might have better functionality—again though, the science is questionable.

Friday, February 18, 2011

DBA Inclusive Design Challenge 2010

Congratulations to Clinic for winning this year’s DBA inclusive design challenge award. The London based creative agency’s winning concept entitled ‘Sage & Onions’; is a not-for-profit communications initiative aimed at stimulating activity and community participation. It encourages people to trade their time and skills with each other. Individuals and businesses can market events, share experiences and create new networks. A video, that explains the concept in more detail is embedded below.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Health Care- redesign of an insurance card.....

I was just thinking about a better system for health insurance.
Okay, on the one hand there is the professional discretion
of the medics, but on the other hand I would prefer that every
med is able to see my "history of sick". I think our daily
system is very unflexible and doesn't oblige the patient.
What do you think?

First I was tinking about people having epilepsie. But maybe it
is interesting to think about something like the diary, but in general...

Sunday, February 13, 2011

A printer that prints itself

Democratic design, the framework is available to everyone and what you do with it is up to you. Sort of ties in with what we are doing